Sunday, May 28, 2017

A Proud Randroid against Theresa May's British Conservative government!

I am also deeply suspicious about the Conservative administration under Theressa May's government! This is not British Conservatism established by Edmund Burke; This is simply a road to serfdom!

The current British Conservatives are now following the command economy furthermore i.e. Their manifesto has started increasingly being more socialism. Although they "plan" to make the things better, their sacrificing economic freedom, the big market potential (e.g. completely leaving from the EU), and the social diversity (Emphasis on more security than freedom and variety).

Furthermore, in the second last part of this brief guideline of her manifesto, it describes thinking highly of egoism (honestly being selfish) as cult! This blog has introduced thinking highly of egoism as a necessary element of living as a sovereign individual with a strong self-esteem, and it also encourages a strong productivity and a unique innovation. As various famous Liberalist philosophers(true ones; not the self-proclaimed ones) such as Hayek and Ayn Rand had said, demonising egoism will eventually leads individuals into the totalitarian regime as an originally good intention/will induces a bad or even evil consequence. Altruism sounds good, but it is often violated by the powerful oppressor to induce the majority to serve their own good instead of doing good for the all.
Instead of defying egoism for forcibly encouraging altruism, it would be rather better to admitting and allowing individuals being selfish as long as it does not disrupt others being so. The functional method of establishing a prosperous and happy union of individuals is encouraging rationality of individuals. As long as individuals are able to maximise their selfish needs and wants while maintaining the public safety and the mutual fair contracts among them, these individuals can enjoy their happy life and sustain their strong self-esteem without being commanded by any moral entrepreneurs.


See! It pretty much explains how May's Tory is really a national socialist party and also why these inattentive kinds of socialist party supporters are so frantic about their political choice.


Well-said, Mrs. Margaret Thatcher!!
Mrs. Thatcher said "If they attack you personally, it means they have not a single political argument left." Well, this can be used for critically pointing out the idiotic failure of Theresa May. lol


lol Any way, at least, I admit her tough effort of maintaining her competence of being a leader of an unpopular political faction with an unpopular manifesto. I guess she has done her best despite her lack of merit as a political leader of the UK.

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