Sunday, June 02, 2024

The scene Aya Shameimaru is calling Daitengu Megumu Iizunamaru in The Memories of Phantasm, Touhou Project


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I added Iizunamaru-sama talking on this scene of The Memories of Phantasm (Touhou Project Fan-Art Animation). 4:56-5:10 of
The supervisor Aya Shameimaru speaking to must be Megumu Iizunamaru!
"Shut-up Shameimaru!" is the signature phrase of Megumu Iizunamaru in Obaniwan-channel
This is the scene of an anime plus my imagination. This anime was released in 2010 whereas Megumu firstly appeared in 2021 in Touhou18. The supervisor Daitengu whom Aya is speaking to via this retro phone must be Megumu!