Showing posts with label Nuclear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nuclear. Show all posts

Monday, April 18, 2022

Re-evaluating Charles De Gaulle


The first president of the fifth republic of France Charles De Gaulle is indeed a remarkable figure having led France to maintaining her stead economic and political position as an autonomous modern developed nation as well as a key European Union (EU) member state with her significant influence on the entire union. Yet, his policies were often controversial and received some negative feedbacks from various political factions including socialists, those supporting more Anglo-Saxon style free market socioeconomic policies, and the former French colonial states. At the same time, not only French citizens but also EU citizens would not be able to keep having their influence over the world politics without the current French political power having been grown since De Gaulle administration. While France is currently on the verge of determinig her future pathway. 

After enormous fatigues and scars of wars and the loss of French colonies after the World War II (WW2), France has lost her influence and power as a sovereign state in the world. The United State of America (USA) rose up as the newly arising super power together with her strong ideology of liberal democracy and capitalism. At the same time, the United Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) also strengthened their influence and power over the world politics with their hardcore socialist ideological principle. France selected the alternative of being France as a unique state prevented from becoming a loyal satellite state of neither the USA nor the USSR.  Thus, France needed her own strength of being as independent influential modern state as well as leading the newly formed union of European nations, the EU, in the world politics. Charles De Gaulle thus determined to implement a unique controversial policies attempting to deserve the majority French and EU citizens. 


- Controversial interventionist economic policy

Firstly, De Gaulle administration decided to keep the market economy itself whereas it adopted the state's positive intervention to it as well as a high proportion of the state's owned public sector firms. In another word, France selected a pragmatic choice not ideologically being tied to a particular socioeconomic policy like a staunch dogmatic socialism or an Anglo-Saxon style wild capitalism.

There are some negative effects of the contemporary French economic policy. A government may have mistake of judging how the business cycle moves to determine the degree and the characteristics of their intervention. A huge market share of the state ownership of various industrial categories such as manufacturing industries and financial industries hinders a spontaneous economic growth based on the active and fair competition. 

Nevertheless, for the contemporary France, it was inevitable to install such an economic policy to enable French own national brand by protecting it from losing to a competition with their strong competitors such as the USA, Japan. and neighbouring West-Germany. It is equivalent to the development dictatorship adopted to some contemporary emerging developing nations such as Singapore and South Korea. Although France was already a developed Western nation, she was under a constant threat of losing her initiative in the world economy. Therefore, France was required to have a strong intervention lead by one rational public authority gathering a group of educated and experienced elites to conduct her national economic policy planning as same as these emerging developing nations.


- Independent Nuclear Research and Development (R&D)

As the contemporary period, those satellite nations of both the USA and the USSR implemented the joint R&D of their nuclear technology with their suzerain either the USA or the USSR. The USA was the first nation invented the nuclear power generation and weapon, and the USSR followed to invent their own ones (although some have argued it could be their self-proclaimed). 

Charles De Gaulle has insisted on proceeding the own nuclear technological R&D led by French government and higher educational institutes because he had predicted that owning France's own nuclear technology will be the key to take the initiative in the world politics. Furthermore, nuclear power generation provides both France and the entire EU with the far more efficient alternative electricity generation to the conventional electric power generations. This initiative has encouraged France to take a lead of the EU as the main supplier of the electricity. 

Regarding this nuclear R&D, there has also been strong negative feedback especially from the anti-nuclear advocates and the former French colonials. De Gaulle administration tested their nuclear bombs in their former colonial lands which hugely disappointed the indigenous citizens there. Moreover, their own R&D with their own effort certainly involved the victims of the radioactive pollution of the nuclear accidents.  There is an inevitably high risk of nuclear contamination permanently harming the health of these individuals while testing and repairing their nuclear apparatus and clearing the radioactive mess. 

On the other hand, in terms of the health hazard risk per electric power generation, with comparison to the conventional fossil fuel based thermal power generation, the nuclear power generation is relatively far less harmful for individuals. For example, the ratio of individuals' health hazard risk per electric power generation is way higher for the counterpart fuelled with fossil fuels. In addition, France would have had to import a massive amount of fossil fuels from abroad which would perpetuate France's dependency on the other nations. 

By contrast, France has prevented herself from being reliant on and easily manipulated by foreign nations after securing her own self-reliant electric power generation source. All in all, even with high financial, environmental, and ethical cost, the benefit paid off for France is substantially higher. In another word, the fundamental political decision of De Gaulle administration accomplished "The greatest sum of pleasures with the lowest sum of pains as the principle of moral and legislation". 

Having observed these examples of De Gaulle administration, the achievements and the assets of De Gaulle administration are undoubtedly remarkable despite controversies.  The EU needs France for various French advantages including the economic and political initiative backed up by her own nuclear technology available to offer for the EU.  Also, France needs the EU membership with a huge initiative to use the EU as her leverage of expanding her economic and political influences as a key member with a high initiative there. De Gaulle administration initially paved this pathway to enable both France and he EU to secure their initiative. Hence. under such a current political havoc, it may be productive to recall and re-evaluate Charles De Gaulle and his achievement.


Friday, April 15, 2022

Explaining how expensive electricity is in Japan: Explained with the case of paper business

Especially after having turned nuclear power plants in Japan off since the last nuclear accident in Fukushina in March 2011, electricity in Japan is considerably expensive.  Even before then, it was expensive compared to the other countries because of its relatively heavier reliance on the thermal power plant fuelled with fossil fuels imported from abroad. 

It is difficult to explicitly display how expensive it is in Japan because there are so many variables to be compared with the significance of the electric power price influencing an economy there. So, one industrial case is introduced here to explain how significant Japanese electric price is as a significant variable cost incurred upon this industry.  This is paper manufacturing introduced here as an explicit example

Pulp is the base raw material of papers manufactured by a paper machine. Paper manufacturing needs cellulose fibres obtained most notably from woods. The more expensive finer alternative material can be cotton.

There are mainly two methods of producing pulp: chemically processed one and mechanically processed one.  The chemical pulping process uses chemicals and heat to convert woods into pulp meanwhile the mechanical pulping process grinds woods by mechanically defibrating wooden fibres into pulp.

The price of chemical components tends to influence the chemical pulp price whereas the usage volume of machinery consuming the high-volume electricity affects the mechanical pulp price. Supply of the chemical materials is often volatile and requires their characteristics of quality to match a particular level for pulping.

The mechanical pulping is not so prone to the conditioning as much as the chemical counterpart. Electricity is electricity whatever and whenever it is produced. The general specification of these pulping machines is not extensively dissimilar to each other in this world. 

In terms of the ordinary world situation, the former is more expensive than the latter, so the proportion of which pulp content to use determines the quality of papers as follows:

  • 上質 (directly translated as "high quality") : "Fine" paper/pulp: Chemical pulp 100%
  • 中質 : Medium quality": Mix of chemical pulp and mechanical pulp.

However, this is the way around in terms of Japanese paper & pulp business. The latter can be more expensive than the former despite their naming. This is because the latter requires to consume higher-volume electricity while their pulping processes. This factor indicates how expensive electricity generated in Japan even while taking the volatile chemical supply and price into consideration.

Having observed this paper business case, Japan is indeed urged to increase a far more efficient method of generating electricity overall. This current high electric bill price suppresses both business growth and individuals' utility by squeezing their household budget as an unavoidable cost for these activities. 

Nuclear power generation should be reactivated at least to repress the currently already intolerable cost inflation.  Perhaps, the research and development (R&D) inventing a new technology allowing Japan to fundamentally overcome from the high electricity generation cost is worthwhile to implement even its feasibility is questionable for the time being. 

The imaginable example is the nuclear fusion possibly enabling to supply the electricity satisfying the total demand of the entire Japan maybe even by replacing all the other existing electric power plants. It can be rather more productive to invest into efforts and time into increasing this feasibility to accomplish building this functional nuclear fusion power plant. 


I consider that the nuclear power technology should be considered as a public good so I claim for the integration to a good government management or at least the civic-cooperative management looked after by several private individuals (The Classical Economics) rather than the current administration by one single private gigantic corporation detached from the fair market competition!

Well, this nuclear management industry has such a humongous economic of scale whose competition is nearly infeasible. So, I recommend either the full integration (the cohesive monopoly under a single public body such as government) or a cooperative management (classical economics example: democratically managed by several individuals living in this community)