Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Low-tech firms should rather adopt the public cloud!

Many small and medium companies as well as public institutes of the local authorities tend to be reluctant to adopt an advanced information technological (IT) apparatus such as the public cloud service due to their cost concern as well as their conservative characteristics. They tend to assume that they will not take an advantage of the large scale of economies offered by the public cloud service. However, these firms are actually those which will take a considerably high benefit of using the public cloud service. It is explained with the example of using Amazon Web Service (AWS).
The first issue is the version update including the cyber security. The average cost of the version update is heavier for smaller firms so that it is actually more cost efficient to rely on one unified provider. AWS updates their versions of the physical machines as well as the cyber security measures adapted to the latest requirements for the most recent environment for their entire global network. Furthermore, some of the security package, such as AWS Shield, come as the standard package.

The second issue is the maintenance of the physical apparatus in their on-premises environment. These small companies and relatively IT illiterate local authorities tend to often neglect properly looking after their on-premises environment and maintaining its durability. Moreover, they tend to be more prone to natural disasters striking their place. All in all, they had rather better locate their electrical data while implementing their cross regional redundancy of the entire database in case of a disaster and a cyber security threat.
Regarding their data management, AWS offers various types of database (DB) depending on conditions and usages. Amazon Dynamo DB handles non-structured data with a large volume so that electrifying the information is flexible to query and store. Amazon Aurora is autoscalable across the multi-regions so that the data redundancy is guaranteed in case of various disasters and the access overflow undermining the data-handling capability.
If they are worried about moving their data at once, AWS offers the data migration services such as AWS Snowball and AWS Snowmobile (called AWS Snow-family overall). These offer the option of outsourcing the entire data migration from their on-premises to AWS server network. Perhaps, these small and medium companies as well as the local authorities had better migrate the entire data and maybe the entire IT configuration to the public cloud in order to cut their expenditure for their IT staff as well as their physical space and apparatus.
There are still many individuals worried about the privacy and the countermeasure against the data leakage. Nevertheless, storing data in their nondurable vulnerable on-premises environment seems to be far riskier than outsourcing the database and the storage to the public cloud vendor. In addition, the scalablity and the redundancy across the regions enable to flexibly link and query the data across various places at any time available. Therefore, it is also expected to improve their administrative efficiency too.

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