Friday, June 17, 2022

Revival of Bitcoin and the other crypto markets in 2025


Recently, the value of all the crypto currencies has been substantially plunging as the NASDAQ stock exchange value, correlated to the crypto market, declines. Someone has started claiming this is the beginning of the twilight years of the crypto market.  However, there are still various positive predictions inferring the reincarnation of the crypto market within a few years. 

The notable example of the positive attitudes toward the crypto currency is El Salvador having adopted Bitcoin functioning as the legal currency officially circulating in this country. In such one of the LDCs (Least Developed Countries), the infrastructure for accessing the banking services is considerably lacking so that the citizens there suffer from the significantly high financial and physical costs. Furthermore, their dependency on money transaction by people working as immigrant workers from these LDCs in the developed countries such as the USA is very high. At the same time, the transaction across the border incurs substantially high costs including the foreign exchange fee and the banking service charge for these people. The crypto currencies such as Bitcoin have a notable advantage of reducing these costs as explained in the following chapter.

This advantage of introducing the crypto currency is similar to that of introducing a mobile/smart phone in the LDCs. Because of the lack of the infrastructure such as accessible bank branch offices, telephone lines, and public transportations, the benefit of the wireless transaction via the internet is huge. The IT (Information Technology) assisted services do not need these traditional physical infrastructures requiring a huge public work project for their installation. In addition, there are less market entrant barriers for the IT assisted service providers than the developed countries with the market monopoly/oligopoly by the already established providers of these traditional infrastructure. Therefore, these LDCs gain more net benefits of the public welfare as well as the fast speed of its installation. 

As various analyses of both modern economics and astrology have predicted, the wealth gap among countries will shrink due to the technological development. These characteristics, such as equality and innovations, are represented by the wind element in terms of the Western and Indian astrology. The coming age of wind which has already started from 2021 when both Jupiter and Saturn crossed the ascendant of Aquarius. Its transformational speed is going to be furthermore accelerated from 2023 when Pluto starts crossing the ascendant of Aquarius for two decades. 

Moreover, the characteristics of the wind elements will be exaggerated from 2025 when Uranus, whose own sign is Aquarius, starts crossing the ascendant of Gemini (Another wind sign) and forming the triangle aspect with Pluto crossing the ascendant of Aquarius. 2025 is also the year when Neptune shifts from crossing the ascendant of Pisces to the Aries counterpart so that Neptune is going to start simultaneously forming the sextile aspect with both Uranus and Pluto. This means that all these three trans-Saturnian planets form the aspect together in the masculine signs. 

Regarding the crypto currencies whose characteristics, such as innovation, electricity, borderless-ness, and spontaneity, can be represented by Uranus. In 2025, Uranus is going to shift from crossing the ascendant of Taurus, Uranus's detrimental sign, to crossing the Gemini counterpart stimulating Uranus's own strength far more than Taurus. This will be the remarkable signal that the crypto currencies will be appreciated furthermore than this current time period that Uranus is still crossing the ascendant of Taurus while it is still forming the square aspect (The hard aspect) with Saturn, representing such as society, established structure, and tradition, crossing the ascendant of Aquarius, Saturn's own sign stimulating Saturn's strength. This connotes how severe the position of the innovative products based on the spontaneous order without without a centralised organisation such as the crypto currencies. Therefore, the ongoing value depreciation of the currencies at the moment seems to be astrologically inevitable but temporary. 

Focusing on Neptune in 2025, it might infer a possible big scale natural disaster occurring sometime close then. When a trans-Saturnian planet shifts to start crossing the ascendant of Aries, a major natural disaster often tends to strike. In particular, as it is Neptune, it might be something oceanic whilst neither exact timing nor exact scale is predictable. In 2025, Neptune forming the sextile aspect with both Uranus and Pluto crossing the ascendant of the wind signs implies that this natural disaster will trigger to convince people to recognise the importance of something innovative and spontaneous such as the crypto currencies.

This astrological prediction might explain that the advantage of the crypto currencies will be more recognised especially after such a catastrophic event caused by a major natural disaster. When physical infrastructures are damaged, the money transaction via the crypto currencies may be able to help to save this suffering areas and people there. The reason is the same as the example seen in the LDCs where necessary infrastructure for the traditional banking system is scarce.

All in all, the current crypto market downturn must be temporary even it may take one year or two to recover from it.  Many people are often afraid of and sceptical about something innovative and difficult to explain with a clear visible picture which they are not familiar with in their daily life. They are just over-reacting this temporary plunge despite the long term potential. Hence, it is nonsense to panic to preach about the doom's day of the crypto currencies and their market. 

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