Thursday, December 30, 2021

The direction of ΔUSD/JPY is stange at this year end.


Today 31st Dec., 2021, this strange trend still goes on.

The market at this year end is different from usual. JPY has usually been appreciated at each year end. By contrast, JPY is significantly depreciated. TOPIX (The stock market index) has been depreciated during this week although it jumped up a little bit this morning.

I guess the crisis of Softbank, the major Japanese enterprise from 2000s, may have caused this Japanese market downturn. As the astrological aspect has predicted, Japanese socioeconomic situation has really been suppressed from last October to this month.

Well, by means of the aggregate market performance estimation based on the astrological prediction, it may recover gradually from next month and some boost from coming April. Nonetheless, it is still concerned that the distribution of the aggregate economic and financial growth maybe limited to particular industries rather than all.

Therefore, it is predicted that some new business models may emerge and those industries representing the characteristics of Neptune and Pisces (Software, data flow, finance, astrology, etc.) may substantially grow. By contrast, the other industries especially those which have been benefited from the status-quo may still face their business and financial stagnation.

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