Sunday, August 23, 2020

The regime of the United States of America and Capitalism based on Protestant Individualism may continue until the second half of 21st century

* This analysis is based on an astrology so please kindly note that these following assumptions are not quite scientific and objective, and the variance of the error is significantly big.  Thanks for your attention.

There are many sceptics about the regime of capitalism whose foundation was strongly influenced by Protestant-Christian individualism (Especially by Puritans). Furthermore, these sceptics also condemn the United States of America (USA), the nation build by majority Puritans and their ethics (and more likely the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) where Puritanism was born together). They have claimed for, or at least wished for, the collapse of the USA, the leading hegemonic nation of Capitalism nowadays.

On the other hand, the USA and her satellite nations (following the identical political and moral principle, Capitalism, and allying with the USA) are still thriving despite various national crises they have faced through their modern history. There are various theories backing up reasoning their survival and prosperity such as geopolitics, political philosophy, abundant natural material and human capital resources, and even a spooky cultic conspiracy theory. 

This essay focuses on Modern-Western Astrological methodology to create an estimation about how long the regime of the USA and Capitalism which are heavily influenced by ethics of a major religious group Puritan / Individualistic Protestant-Christianity.  The reason why it focuses on religion instead of political structural matters is that the existential crisis of Capitalism and its leading organisation will be caused by drastic change in belief of majority human individuals.  

The minority political elites may oppress to force majority individuals to obey their rule; But these elites eventually need to leverage the dominant religious principle to hold their power.  In another word, the world will need to replace a game with another game.  The players believe and follow the rule of this game is the fundamental life reality even though some of these players despise it.  Without changing a game itself, those who know the advantage to win the current game are always more likely to win. 

Pluto crossing the ascendant in Pisces is used for this prediction.  Where Pluto crosses the ascendant of a certain zodiacal sign, it affects the fatality of what this sign represents.  Pluto also represents the complete transformation of something to all or nothing. Pisces represents spirituality, inclusiveness, ambiguity, and shallow but wide understanding of people's mind.  When Pluto crosses the ascendant of Pisces, there will be a fatal incidence whose influence is slow and gradual but a permanent and complete.  The cause of these changes will be really difficult to reason why they happen, so it is an ambiguous cause of the changes in individual-humans' mind and the world hegemony of not only politics (The game player) but also religion (The game rule). 



The last time when Pluto started crossing the ascendant of Pisces was in the year 1797.  The chart shows 12th May, 1979, the day Napoleon Bonaparte and his army of France conquers Venice.  The influence of Napoleon Bonaparte's campaign has gradually replaced Christian theology with scientific secularism.  Morality became no longer restrained by religious norms and values, and its understanding became being dependent on the positive logical inference of how rational individuals can derive without a moral autocratic intervention. 

Moreover, 1797 was also the year the USA has secured her world political stability.  The USA elected her second president, and established the foundation of US navy.  British navies were defeated several times.  From then onward, the USA has grown her economic and political strength in the world. In addition, individual responsibility of hard-work and self-autonomy started to be developed and become the dominant norm of human individuals in this globe. 

From 1797 onward, the fundamental elements of capitalism, secular morality based on individual responsibility of looking after themselves, scientific understanding of natural world, and virtue of hard working started becoming a common norm shared with majority human individuals in this globe.  


This is a chart of the time when Pluto started crossing the ascendant of Pisces previous to the aforementioned time period.  This shows the aspect of 12nd May, 1554, the day Queen Elizabeth I of England was imprisoned in the tower of London.  In the following years, England defeated Spanish empire, formed an union of nations with Scotland and Ireland to form the UK, and then became the world dominant empire.  

Spanish empire with Roman Catholic regime was replaced by British empire (a union of nations in Great Britain, England, Wales, and Scotland, and Ireland) with Protestant religion.  This partial collapse of Catholic church and its patron nations encouraged various types of Protestant churches to emerge and nations following Protestantism to emerge.   

 It was followed by Puritan, one of the Protestant churches, revolution in the UK and France to replace the contemporary monarchist regime with a new Puritan political structure.  After their defeat in England and France, these Puritan moved abroad to form their strong hold; From England to the USA, and from France to Switzerland.  In Scotland and the Netherlands, the significant population of Puritan remained inside.  

Since then, these nations, the USA, Switzerland, Scotland (as a part of the UK), and the Netherlands have become consecutive winners of the game ruled by the world manipulated by the interests by Puritan elites.  These Puritan nations have obtained their initiative step by step, when the UK and Protestantism rose into power in 16th century and when the USA and Puritan (One division of Protestantism) rose into power in 18th century. 

The next year Pluto start passing the ascendant in Pisces is 2044.  This may become the time when the global leading position of the USA and her base political and moral principle Capitalism and its base Puritanism will experience the crisis moment.  Until then, both the USA and Capitalism are predicted to survive to thrive.  Only some minor changes through the timeline may occur until the second half of 21st century.  

The alternative of the game change is always unimaginable. Pisces represents the ambiguity and the border beyond our natural world.  Pluto represents fate and fundamental alternation.  Therefore, the combination of these two kinds of characteristics does not allow us to imagine clearly but it infers something certain and drastic.  

 By means of the history of the planet earth and of the universe, two or three decades will be a extraordinarily small friction of time.  Many of human-individuals living nowadays have a high probability of conceive a new world structure whilst it seems certain that the fundamental game role of this world stays unchanged (maybe through some minor changes) for more than two decades. 

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