10 Takeaki Enomoto Genius of diplomacy, language, and tactics. He attempted to establish the federal republic of Japan instead of Meiji restoration
9 Saladin He defeated many crusaders to save peaceful Islamic communities. He was famous for his mercifulness.
8 Friedrich Barbarossa Joined 3rd Crusader. Emperor, scientist ,and artist. He lead Tutonic empire to be unified and expanded.
7 Julius Caesar Charismatic Roman General. Known for ordering troops and the great usage of siege weapons.
6 Elwin Rommel The Desert Fox. His tactics brought German various victories in Africa. The best general ever in German History!
5 Genghis Khan Unified scattered normad trivals into one huge empire. Known for his great usage of mounted archer bands.
4 Oliver Cromwell Lord Protector of Great Britain. Founder of New Modelled Army. He brought meritocracy into British military.
3 Napoleon Bonaparte Established a great new law and order. Genius of artillery usage. His great usage of cannons lead France to invade Italy.
2 Zhuge Liang Kongming The genius Chinese from the state of Shu-Han. His knowledge was beyond humans' at the contemporary time period
1 Alexandros The Great No one can be more famous tactician than him! His tactics is still influential in this modern world military tactics
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