Wednesday, January 02, 2008

2008, Happy New Year!

New Year Firework Scotland
from ""

Hi there! Happy New Year for 2008!! I wish all the great success for you!

In 2008, I will be quite busy. I will complete my university life after the semester coming. As my course is the joint degree in economics and mathematics I am not going to take modules instead of the desertation, however, it is still busy because the 2 mathematics modules I am going to take are quite tough course... Also I will take an eonomics module so all in all my schedule is so packed that I might be a bit difficult to update my web-sites very often!

I am applying for postgraduate courses. I am willing to study a master degree in some university offering me. I will be quite occupied to manage all course materials therefore this will make my year 2008 so busy that I might not be able to update this website that regularly ... I really hope to be busy in 2008. However, this implies that contents of this website I will publish more academic and sophisticated articules.

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