When people talk about anarchism (Zero control) and the low control level, many of them tend to be confused with a chaotic or primitive state. A chaotic and/or primitive state often implies the low or no control. But, anarchism does not always imply either chaotic or primitive. There are several forms of control-ship as well as there are several forms of no/low control-ship.
However, there is a significant difference of an economic political structure between controlled and less/non-controlled. The characteristics of the economic political control is created within a relatively short time period meanwhile the characteristic of non/less controlled economic political structure is created through various influences of cultural and technological new inspirations unless it is a collapse of civilisation going back to chaos/primitive. The control is artificial meanwhile the counterpart is spontaneous. The spontaneity cannot be artificially created all the sudden: Individuals and their living civilisation need to experience various cultural and technological influences enough to obtain the wisdom to live without an artificial economic political control.
The controlled structure can be sustained as long as a few powerful individuals in charge of the control are wise enough. By contrast, the structure with no/less control requires majority of individuals to be enlightened and already wise enough to be self-autonomous. The root motivation of individuals enabling to establish no/less controlled state can be religion and other forms of strong ideologies. However, this project also adds another form of no/less controlled state which is free from not only the physical (economic) control but also the moral (political) control, and this is the unknown ideal which I, the author of this blog Art&Blue-Liberalism (ABL), is aspiring to discover.
The following charts explains how the new political compass based on the political map of various already-existing forms of civilisation and the unknown ideal together:

There are two axes, the legislative side of politics mainly in charge of regulating economic policies and the judicial side of politics mainly in charge of regulating moral policies.
There is only one the most economically and morally controlled state. It assumes that the objectives of all rational individuals in this world is to achieve in material as well as spiritual prosperity. So, regardless of ideology basing the control-ship, the main-objective is prosperity and the degree of control is adjusted to achieving it.
The spectrum of the old political compass is based on the straight forward high-low control. By contrast, both the ends of this new compass are low control and the centrist indicates the highest control.
* Legislative: Economics side *

This project regards that the pure command economy, such as Marx-Leninism, is equivalent to the primitive economy, and the high economic control implies the positive planning of economic policy such Keynesian economy. So, it does not measure by means of the size of public sector: it measures by means of the active role of government and big corporations directly intervening into the business cycle and the overall economic climate.
Furthermore, it indicates the clear difference between two low control levels: The one where majority of individuals are less aware of market mechanism and the other is majority of individuals are aware of market mechanism without an instruction provided by rational authorities.
* Judicial: Moral side *

An intense autocratic government always requires its citizens' worship to it as though it were only one God. Even an authoritarian government with theological ideology, they often use religion and morality as their political instrument. The pure religious community represses the excess control of government, and individuals follow moral disciplines without any paternalistic intervention by a political autocracy.
The third characteristic of this spectrum is the freedom from both government or any moral entrepreneurs' moral intervention. Many Continental European states are close to this category. The extreme side of it is the anarchism existing in political theories.

The teaching of Islam contains a full knowledge about the market mechanism, and citizens of various Islamic nations achieve in a reasonable level of economy. Their government often intervene into economy to stabilise their business cycles, and the big corporations and the Islamic banks are highly encouraged to voluntarily help the economic adjustment.
Jewish community is not restricted by a nation state, and their holy nation Israel was established relatively new compared to Jewish people's own long history of existence. They are only controlled by the moral entrepreneurship which is free from any artificially created autocratic form of politics. Majority of Jewish are aware of market mechanism, and self-autonomous enough to cope with any havoc challenging them.
Asian nations tend to prefer a high control for both economy and morality. Their culture to follow rational authorities enables them to stimulate rapid economic growth and political stability. The weak point is their low self-autonomic level which hardly promotes a self-autonomous state.
The moral entrepreneurship in Latin America is intense even nowadays. The degree of economic intervention varies across different Latin-American nations. They are less secular than majority Asians but less religious than Isramic citizens.
In the Western nations (except Latin-Americans), there is a big divide between the Continental Legal Positivist states and the Anglo-American Common-Law states. The former is a rational secularist nation which promotes morally neutral policy with an effective economic intervention. The latter remains a strong moral entrepreneurship but a laissez-faire economic policy. The latter puts emphasis on the self-responsibility of all individuals for both fortune and misfortune, and the flexibility promoted by this emphasis has strengthened their strong financial management. The former put emphasis on the safety net helping individuals accidentally trapped into misfortune, but demands on individuals' tax contribution and strict legal codes which disrupt the flexible flow of the financial market.
Scotland is one of the former states even though she is a part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Jeremy Bentham aspired to establish a perfect legal-positivist state and ardently challenged against the traditional commonlaw of his own mother nation. Bentham 's ideal state is to promote the maximum secular freedom of individuals protected by the reasonable level of positive government intervention and the fair judicature based on the logically and explicitly coded legal codes. Murdock empire is not a nation but its media influence is often superior to any national propaganda. The media empire of Murdock is highly secular meanwhile it still remains its business ethics based on the common law states requiring all individuals to be responsible for both their fortune and misfortune.
The unknown ideal is something combining the secular-rationalism of the legal positivist states and the self-autonomy and the strong financial management of the Anglo-Saxon and Jewish culture. In order to accomplish the unknown ideal such as Max Stirner and Ayn Rand had aspired for, the combination of the flexible flow of the financial market promoted by both Anglo-American Common law and Jewish culture and the morally neutral rationalism promoted by both the Continental Legal Positivist Europe and Asian nations seems to be demanded. The practical method to achieve is not created yet, but there is already an idea leading to keep looking for the solution.
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