Wednesday, August 10, 2022


 Anxiety is haunting me, and also many others, nowadays. In particular, anxieties about the future prospect such as financial anxiety are the crucial problems. Unfortunately, it is certain that the material well-beings of majority individuals will continue declining. In terms of the economic analysis as well as the astrological analysis, the near future outlook looks very gloomy for certain. Thus, the world society will furthermore require us to be stoic rather than being optimistic.

Focusing on the economic analysis, the market multiplier is slowing down despite the continuous remarkably rapid technological growth especially for the information technology. There is a strange dilemma in the labour market: There is a skilled labour shortage while misemployment and unemployment are considered to be high in the labour market. This labour market mismatch combined with the stagnating income and investment distribution flow discourages the social mobility as well as the income gaining opportunity of individuals wishing to improve their lifestyle.

Focusing on the astrological analysis, the world will be in the recession by 2024. Currently, Uranus is crossing the ascendant of Taurus, the detrimental sign of Uranus, until 2024 as well as forming the square aspect with Saturn crossing Aquarius, the own sign of Saturn for these years. This infers that the socioeconomic stagnation is really severe at least until 2025. Furthermore, Pluto is going to start crossing the ascendant of Aquarius for 18 years from 2023 onward. Aquarius represents equality of outcome and justice as well as individual freedom under restriction and some degree of traditionalism. Aquarius is forming the hard aspect with Taurus (Economy), Leo (Political Power), and Scorpio (Intimate relationship) so that the socio-economy will shift from the centralised active globalist form to the decentralised less active form.

Considering these two analyses, it will be wise to become stoic to keep our lifestyle as humble and cost-efficient as much as possible than aspiring to expect for a lucrative lifestyle in the coming age. Stoic ethics may become worth off to refer to as our life instruction guidance then. The modernity characterised with the intensive Yang (bright) element is ending so that the Ying (shadow) element is being intensified as the reaction. Instead of wanting more, we are more required to wanting less from now on. We must accept various pains as they are instead of regretting for them. We also must accept the fact that the capability of solving problems for all of us are limited by means of our physical strength, social status, and external environments. Therefore, there are various things outside our own responsibility so that it is important to excuse for our inability.

Sum up, the anxiety will never seem to disappear because the drastic lifestyle change will certainly take place in the near future. The antidote against this anxiety may be being stoic enough to keep our lifestyle humble and cost efficient as well as not bearing the full responsibility so that it is important to rely on the public support. Hence, we had better simply accept that it cannot be helped so much.

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