Monday, September 07, 2020

Transit from Dec. 2020 to Jan. 2021, The dramatic change in Finance, Politics, and Technology will start taking place.

 * This analysis is based on an astrology so please kindly note that these following assumptions are not quite scientific and objective, and the variance of the error is significantly big.  Thanks for your attention.

The inner cycle denotes the transitory chart of December, 2020 and the outer cycle denotes the transitory chart of January 2021. 

The notoriously critical triple conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto has continued from the beginning of 2020 to now, and will continue until 2021 comes.  Saturn temporarily left this conjunction in June, 2020, but came back there. In addition, when Saturn returned to the triple conjunction in the ascendant of Capricorn, Mars started crossing the ascendant of Aries, his own sign, and formed the square with that heavy triple conjunction.  

This means that, the critical world socio-structural change started taking place in the beginning of 2020, and the aftermath effect has been perpetuated after both Saturn's return and Mars' own sign with their square.  This seems to imply that the effect of ongoing wars against Corona-virus (COVID-19) and the fatal world socio-structural crises are being perpetuated together while this conjunction.

At the same time, Jupiter and Neptune (Together represents the financial well-being) has been forming a reasonably soft form, sextile, while this ultra hard aspect.  This may indicate that the quantitative easing (QE) by various central banks in this world have propped up the other capital market such as the stock market. 


On the other hand, both Jupiter and Saturn are passing away from the conjunction with Pluto crossing the ascendant of Capricorn meanwhile Mars is also finish crossing the ascendant of Aries.  Then, Jupiter and Saturn start crossing the ascendant of the first degree of Aquarius together.  At the same time, Mars starts forming a conjunction with Uranus crossing the ascendant of Taurus.  

 Remember that Taurus (Wealth and Stability) is a detrimental sign for Uranus (Innovation and Spontaneity).   He forms a symbol of strife, Mars, and then form a square with Jupiter (Expansion and Wealth) and Saturn (Responsibility and Order&Stability), both of which represent a socio-structure.  Even though these two structural symbols are overcoming from the conjunction with a symbol of fatality, Pluto, it looks like approaching a sudden drastic change in the world. 

However, although the sextile of Jupiter and Neptune is cancelled off after this December, it does not mean to induce a hard aspect of them just after then.  The end of the QE does not necessarily induce the hard situation.  It may be hard for some such as those who cling to taking advantage of the status quo. (Jupiter and Saturn together just go away from the ascendant of Capricorn)  We will need to find a new innovative and relatively riskier way not relying on static authority and norm. (Jupiter and Saturn start crossing the ascendant of Aquarius together while forming a square with the conjunction of Mars and Uranus which is crossing the ascendant of his detrimental sign Taurus)

Perhaps, we will see some sort of a solid answer or a solution for tackling against COVID-19 in the beginning of 2021 although some negative side effect remaining in the world.  At the same time, the central banks will stop pouring their excess money supply into the world financial market, and the sharp economic downturn, which has been postponed by the QE programme, will suddenly emerge.  The suddenness and sharpness are represented by the sudden change in the chart pattern just within one month as shown above.  


The chart formation from January, 2021 also seems to introduce the prelude of the new era of Pluto starting to cross the ascendant of Aquarius after passing away from the ascendant of Capricorn because both the socio-structural symbols Jupiter and Saturn are simultaneously crossing the ascendant of Aquarius after passing away of Capricorn.  

While Pluto is crossing the ascendant of Capricorn, the vertical relationship of human-beings such as the existence of nations and enterprises is fatally challenged.  By contrast, while Pluto is crossing the ascendant of Aquarius, the horizontal relationship of human-beings such as the form of the relationship with the others and the entire society itself is fatally challenged.  

Furthermore, this drastic transition is also about the shift from earth (subjective feminine) to wind (objective masculine).  The emotional whim by populism and patriotist sentiment have been dominant recently whilst the more dry pragmatic sense will start replace it at a very fast pace in coming years.  The recent development of information technologies and artificial intelligence will be accelerated furthermore, and dry rational pragmatism will frequently override emotionality and caring-sentiment.  We must be prepared for everything as fast as possible because this transformation of the world is rapid as well as dramatic...!

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