Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Redit: Japanese political compass 2024


This is still very rough and a wee bit inaccurate. Yet, it depicts the rough idea of the distribution of these political parties. According to it, I am the very centrist in Japan as I have a highest number of match with the manifesto of 国民民主党 (National Democratic party). Maybe NHK党 (The party for abolition of the national TV Broadcasting station) too, but found not practical enough to be a mainstream political party. I have to disagree with 公明党 (Komei party) as it is likely to be against the separation of religion and politics stated in the constitution although I have a compatibility with their moderately liberalist stance. .... I have to say that the position of 日本維新の会 (The party of Ishin) should be economically far right wing and socially more authoritarian; just slightly more liberal than the 自民党 (LDP).