1. The Law Enforcement and the Culture Code
- The self-proclaimed liberals claim that anarchy permits the chaos and the reasonless massacres caused by unrestricted control of lethal weapons.
- As Montesquieu described, the law code is firmly influenced by the culture code of the region where the law is created.
- The government as the guardian of the Natural Right, an abstracted universal principle, may not only restrict but also permit what majority individuals and talented minority individuals disagree to do so.
- The universality of the Natural Right which many anti-Positivist Libertarians believe in needs to be questioned.
2. Both the Natural Law Libertarian, most notably Nozickians, and the modern self-proclaimed liberals are misguided
- The culture code and the individuals' will are more relative to time, place, and occasion than the Natural Right Libertarian, most notably Nozickian ones, assume.
- In an anarchism, people may decide to agree with each other restrict, rather than permit, them to hold lethal weapons freely in order to rationally decide and choose to derive their expected liberal consequence.
3. Not all human individuals are rational: Attack to Nozick style Libertarianism
- There is no such a thing like a naturally endowed universal right for all individuals: All rights are artificially created and the word "natural" is merely an antithesis of artificial.
- The right shall be given to those who are responsible and reliable to own.
- The law permitting all human-individuals to hold the equal right tends to hinder the others and the whole system.
- Thus, the consequence induced by providing all human-individuals with the universal liberal right is more likely to be illiberal.
4. Common Characteristics of Socialism and The Natural Right (Nozickian) Libertarianism
- Both reject the inequality, of both opportunity and outcome, and any regrettable situations such as inevitably occurring accidents and undesired and/or irrational choices which they have unintentionally or spontaneously chosen
- Both stick to their own abstract principle which they hypocritically claim it is the universal absolute principle.
- The government as the guardian of the Natural Right, an abstracted universal principle, may divert from what the market equilibrium
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Wednesday, November 05, 2014
God and Liberalism
- God
This substantial world is mainly composed of the four base criteria, wedge/longitude, length/latitude, height/altitude, and time. The mind of enlightened human individuals is independent from the world of physical substances. Therefore, these four criteria of the substantial world do not base their mind.
Everything is originated from something, and the one originating is the base criterion of it. As enlightened human individuals are free from the pressures from the outside of their own will, they are independent of any. There shall be the origin having induced them to be independent of any. The criterion, the liberator of these enlightened ones, shall be called God. God exist as the criterion of their mind forming their free will.
If the mind were only the biological phenomenon caused by the brain function, why these enlightened individuals would be such innovative and sometimes rebellious against their surrounding nature and oppression from both various natural environment and tyrannical oppression by the others? Often, they suffer from unnecessary harms, and they sometimes sacrifice their life, even though they are healthy and able to survive well in a longer term, for something divine.
The independent mind from the barrier of the substantial world enables individuals to rationally understand the spontaneous exogenous factors inevitably affecting their life regardless of their own ability and will. The independent mind detaches individuals from unconsciously taking their surrounding situation for granted, and then enables them to understand them objectively. Therefore, instead of either attempting to irrationally control these factors or expecting some superstition to endogenously change these factors.
There factors can be called as the objective realities such as the natural resource limitation, mathematical and scientific factors, and the market mechanism. Individuals are then enabled to analyse these objective realities in order to learn how to be adapted to various situations created by these objective realities. These individuals are no longer forced by either nature or tyranny; they live themselves by following their free will based on their independent mind.
Some human individuals have been pursuing something can be explained as either an extra terrestrial perfect being or a criterion of enlighten individuals' mind which is unable to be reduced furthermore. They have never known what it exactly is while they have realised it shall certainly exist. They have called it as God or something God derive. Their main loyal aim is to discover their ultimate method and goal to liberate themselves. They have chosen to believe in God to detach their mind from the substantial world to objectively rationally observe and analyse themselves and their living world. Then, they have realised they exist "As I think, I am!".
- Liberalism
The interaction effect of all individuals' wills is called as God's invisible hand in the market mechanism. These individuals think themselves to act instead of being forced or taught by anything. As previously mentioned, the fundamental criterion basing their thought shall be God. So, their freedom of thoughts encouraging them to optimise their resource gain is based on God's will.
When individuals' free will is emancipated to enable them to act and think freely by following their rational independent mind, the distribution system and the sum of their utility are eventually miximised when they produce the merit which God expect us to derive. By contrast, those who follow other than God are suffering from their misery caused by maldistribution and lack of spiritual satisfaction.
Liberal individuals are those who materially and spiritually gain a lot, and a Liberal world is where many individuals accomplish it. Those who accomplish are those who are enlightened with their free independent mind and wise enough to know the invisible hand of the market distribution.
There are many modern self-proclaimed liberals who misunderstand these concepts. These liberals believe that their action principles and wills can be completely deviated from the substantial world mechanism. The criterion of individuals' mind differs from the criteria of the substantial world. However, the limitation of their available actions and the consequences derived by their actions are still influenced by the limited resource of the substantial world because their physical body is still a part of this substantial world.
Furthermore, there are interactions of the others acting and thinking in another way around. When their wills differ from each other, they are in conflict unless they agree with each other with an equitable contract with each other. There is no need of law & order and understanding of the market mechanism i.e. the invisible hand unless there is no resource limitation. By contrast, there is certainly a resource limitation, and they are indeed required to exist.
Many of these self-proclaimed liberals also defy the existence of God. They assume that all human individuals are unconditionally the essentially rational beings, and the criterion of their rationales is created by human individuals' own will instead of endowed by an extra terrestrial, God, as they defy the existence of any extra terrestrial. Nevertheless, since more human individuals started denying the existence of God as the criterion of their mind in the modern era, more humans have lived servilely without seeking any noble reason to live.
Although these self-proclaimed liberals claim that the detachment from divinity will lead them to create an alternative transcendental rationale of their mind, the observed reality seems to be far away from their expectation. Regardless of various debates about the necessity of religion, it seems to be highly suspicious to expect human-beings themselves are able to create their alternative universal principle which is expected to function as though it were a substitute of God.
These self-proclaimed liberals argue that religions are irrational, the classical Liberalism (The legitimate Liberalism) is incomplete, and their claiming rational secularism is the best alternative option. But, the age of their claiming rational secularism is only a few decades meanwhile various world religions have existed for thousands years. These religions have developed various rationales within their norms and values which were were merely suitable to the contemporary time period just after a while this religion was established. Therefore, many of them revise and amend their norms and values gradually without deleting their irreplaceable fundamental principle, which is often called as the unmovable mover or the divine law, gradually to be adapted to this constantly changing world.
There is no norm and value naturally impregnable and rigid in the world: All norms and values are artificially created so that should be flexibly transformed, altered, newly created, and deleted. This change may occur either he nature, the antinomy of artificial concepts, or technology, the mixed factor of nature and artificial, evolves. Therefore, their norms and values might not perfectly fit in with what the current world requires to enable individuals to be happy all the time. Nonetheless, their wisdom having been assessed and evaluated through errors and trials is priceless and something should not be underestimated to consider about liberating individuals and establishing a liberal world.
This substantial world is mainly composed of the four base criteria, wedge/longitude, length/latitude, height/altitude, and time. The mind of enlightened human individuals is independent from the world of physical substances. Therefore, these four criteria of the substantial world do not base their mind.
Everything is originated from something, and the one originating is the base criterion of it. As enlightened human individuals are free from the pressures from the outside of their own will, they are independent of any. There shall be the origin having induced them to be independent of any. The criterion, the liberator of these enlightened ones, shall be called God. God exist as the criterion of their mind forming their free will.
If the mind were only the biological phenomenon caused by the brain function, why these enlightened individuals would be such innovative and sometimes rebellious against their surrounding nature and oppression from both various natural environment and tyrannical oppression by the others? Often, they suffer from unnecessary harms, and they sometimes sacrifice their life, even though they are healthy and able to survive well in a longer term, for something divine.
The independent mind from the barrier of the substantial world enables individuals to rationally understand the spontaneous exogenous factors inevitably affecting their life regardless of their own ability and will. The independent mind detaches individuals from unconsciously taking their surrounding situation for granted, and then enables them to understand them objectively. Therefore, instead of either attempting to irrationally control these factors or expecting some superstition to endogenously change these factors.
There factors can be called as the objective realities such as the natural resource limitation, mathematical and scientific factors, and the market mechanism. Individuals are then enabled to analyse these objective realities in order to learn how to be adapted to various situations created by these objective realities. These individuals are no longer forced by either nature or tyranny; they live themselves by following their free will based on their independent mind.
Some human individuals have been pursuing something can be explained as either an extra terrestrial perfect being or a criterion of enlighten individuals' mind which is unable to be reduced furthermore. They have never known what it exactly is while they have realised it shall certainly exist. They have called it as God or something God derive. Their main loyal aim is to discover their ultimate method and goal to liberate themselves. They have chosen to believe in God to detach their mind from the substantial world to objectively rationally observe and analyse themselves and their living world. Then, they have realised they exist "As I think, I am!".
- Liberalism
The interaction effect of all individuals' wills is called as God's invisible hand in the market mechanism. These individuals think themselves to act instead of being forced or taught by anything. As previously mentioned, the fundamental criterion basing their thought shall be God. So, their freedom of thoughts encouraging them to optimise their resource gain is based on God's will.
When individuals' free will is emancipated to enable them to act and think freely by following their rational independent mind, the distribution system and the sum of their utility are eventually miximised when they produce the merit which God expect us to derive. By contrast, those who follow other than God are suffering from their misery caused by maldistribution and lack of spiritual satisfaction.
Liberal individuals are those who materially and spiritually gain a lot, and a Liberal world is where many individuals accomplish it. Those who accomplish are those who are enlightened with their free independent mind and wise enough to know the invisible hand of the market distribution.
There are many modern self-proclaimed liberals who misunderstand these concepts. These liberals believe that their action principles and wills can be completely deviated from the substantial world mechanism. The criterion of individuals' mind differs from the criteria of the substantial world. However, the limitation of their available actions and the consequences derived by their actions are still influenced by the limited resource of the substantial world because their physical body is still a part of this substantial world.
Furthermore, there are interactions of the others acting and thinking in another way around. When their wills differ from each other, they are in conflict unless they agree with each other with an equitable contract with each other. There is no need of law & order and understanding of the market mechanism i.e. the invisible hand unless there is no resource limitation. By contrast, there is certainly a resource limitation, and they are indeed required to exist.
Many of these self-proclaimed liberals also defy the existence of God. They assume that all human individuals are unconditionally the essentially rational beings, and the criterion of their rationales is created by human individuals' own will instead of endowed by an extra terrestrial, God, as they defy the existence of any extra terrestrial. Nevertheless, since more human individuals started denying the existence of God as the criterion of their mind in the modern era, more humans have lived servilely without seeking any noble reason to live.
Although these self-proclaimed liberals claim that the detachment from divinity will lead them to create an alternative transcendental rationale of their mind, the observed reality seems to be far away from their expectation. Regardless of various debates about the necessity of religion, it seems to be highly suspicious to expect human-beings themselves are able to create their alternative universal principle which is expected to function as though it were a substitute of God.
These self-proclaimed liberals argue that religions are irrational, the classical Liberalism (The legitimate Liberalism) is incomplete, and their claiming rational secularism is the best alternative option. But, the age of their claiming rational secularism is only a few decades meanwhile various world religions have existed for thousands years. These religions have developed various rationales within their norms and values which were were merely suitable to the contemporary time period just after a while this religion was established. Therefore, many of them revise and amend their norms and values gradually without deleting their irreplaceable fundamental principle, which is often called as the unmovable mover or the divine law, gradually to be adapted to this constantly changing world.
There is no norm and value naturally impregnable and rigid in the world: All norms and values are artificially created so that should be flexibly transformed, altered, newly created, and deleted. This change may occur either he nature, the antinomy of artificial concepts, or technology, the mixed factor of nature and artificial, evolves. Therefore, their norms and values might not perfectly fit in with what the current world requires to enable individuals to be happy all the time. Nonetheless, their wisdom having been assessed and evaluated through errors and trials is priceless and something should not be underestimated to consider about liberating individuals and establishing a liberal world.