Monday, November 21, 2011

The moment to know soul and spiril certainly exist in humans...

Today, I found and realised that something like soul and spirit exist certainly in this terrestrial world .... It's found in an immediate moment when a person encounters another randomly in an odd place in a transient time zone... Body, face, voice, and action in an immediate moment inspires us like static electric goes through out body.... The action taken by the person was not special, but something like a special spiritual contact certainly took place. It took place in an unusual place. I felt a unique shock when I entered into the space where is isolated from a repetitive daily life. It was like going into a hidden place in a darkening shift from day to night where the unknown mystery is hiding in...

When there is an opportunity to communicate with people from different civilisations, ethnicity, and religions (or ideologies), it makes more possible to feel and understand the quality of soul human-beings are endowed with. Then, it makes also possible to observe the soul of others from our own native background. This experience may lead us to either gain a confidence or become disappoint in people and civilisation of our own. The true strength of human-beings may come from such a quality of soul: The guarantee of obtaining the true happiness and the long term survival of this person and his/her family shall depend on the quality of soul regardless of their physical strength, material wealth, intelligence and knowledge, authority, recorded historical backgrounds, and pleasure coming from subordinance...

The strong soul with a good quality will make a strong sense of feeling a spirit revealing out from each human-being. The characteristic of these spirits can be either weak or distinctive. Human-beings with a weak spirit are those who are made to live rather than live themselves: They live as though they are died. The distinctive ones are either cursed or vital. Cursed spirits harm others by encountering them. The human-beings with a cursed spirit harm us even though they protect us with a physical strength, distribute us an abundant material wealth, provide various kinds of knowledge with their intelligence, hold a strong authority over us, record a long history of survival, and subordinate us to please us. By contrast, the human-beings with a vital spirit lead us to a miracle. The human-beings with a vital spirit impress us even though they are deprived of physical strength, material wealth, intelligence and knowledge, authority, and prideful history, and ability to subordinate.

As Greco-Roman philosophers argued, a priori of human-beings' quality is their soul forming their spirit. We cannot change the quality of our soul within a short time period. The quality of soul is built in our innate nature such as our environment surrounding us, family, culture and civilisation we are from, and the luckiness to have an opportunity to encounter with those who improve our soul. Those without spirit are gradually ceasing away; those with a cursed spirit are rotten in their life and/or starve until they die; and those with a vital spirit thrive with hope even in poverty, deprivation, oppression, and fear...!